Caring for normal skin
- Wash your face twice every day with a gentle cleanser or maybe a low-alkaline soap;
- Use a mild moisturizer;
- Protect your skin through the use of sunscreen with a minimum SPF associated with 15;
- Avoid products that are very oily or drying.
Caring for oily skin

- Wash your face gently using a mild cleanser, no more than twice every day. Avoid scrubbing it too tricky, as this can irritate the epidermis;
- Avoid creamy moisturizers and sunscreens. Go for “non-comedogenic” or “non-acnegenic” products rather. So-called non-comedogenic products are not as likely to clog your pores;
- Use an alcohol-free toner to remove excess oil at least once a week;
- If your oily skin has led to acne, see a dermatologist for a personalized treatment regimen;
- Use an oil-free sunscreen using a minimum SPF of 15 when encountered with the sun.
Caring for dry skin
- Use soaps or cream bars that incorporate fatty ingredients such as cocoa butter or lanolin a maximum of once or twice a time. Avoid highly alkaline products – they can irritate your skin;
- Apply moisturizer on your skin every day. If your epidermis is very dry, apply huge cream at bedtime as very well.
- Use a sunscreen with the very least SPF of 15 to retain moisture.
- If you have the sensitive skin, avoid scented products or people that contain dyes.

Caring for combination skin
Who said life has been simple? Your skin is slimy in places, dry in others. Wearing a paper bag on your own head isn't option. Here's what to do.
- Wash your face at least once every day with a gentle cleanser;
- Start using a light moisturizer on the dry aspects of your face – those not inside the more oily T-zone area, including your chin, nose and your forehead;
- Use a gentle, alcohol-free toner to remove excess oil at least once a week;
- Use cosmetics which have been oil-free, non-comedogenic (a long word that means it won’t cause blackheads);
- Implement a non-comedogenic, oil-free sunscreen using a minimum SPF of 15 when you’re encountered with the sun.